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What is Land Record?

Land Records in India have evolved over centuries. The Land revenue was the main source of revenue for Indian rulers and then for British. Manipur land record system is compliant of MLR and LR Act. 1960.

It is very difficult for a common man to understand their own records of rights. Corruption and lack of transparency are other issues associated with Land Records in India. Government of India realized these problems and started Digital India Land Records Modernization Program (DILRMP) with the aim to standardize and computerize all land records in India in a phased manner. Under DILRMP all land records and related services are being made online. Few states have already computerized their land records while some are in the process.

What is Digital India Land Records Modernization Program? 

The Digital India Land Records Modernization Program (DILRMP) is launched by Government of India in August 2008, aimed to modernize management of land records, minimize scope of land/property disputes, enhance transparency in the land records maintenance system, and facilitate moving eventually towards guaranteed conclusive titles to immovable properties in the country. The major components of the program are computerization of all land records including mutations, digitization of maps and integration of textual and spatial data, survey/re-survey and update of all survey and settlement records including creation of original cadastral records wherever necessary, computerization of registration and its integration with the land records maintenance system, development of core Geospatial Information System (GIS) and capacity building.

Objectives of Digital India Land Records Modernization Program 

The main objective of the DILRMP is to develop a modern, comprehensive and transparent land records management system in the country with the aim to implement the conclusive land-titling system with title guarantee, which will be based on four basic principles, that is as follows: 

  1. A single window to handle land records (including the maintenance and updating of textual records, maps, survey and settlement operations and registration of immovable property)
  2. The mirror principle, which refers to the fact that cadastral records mirror the ground reality.
  3. The curtain principle which indicates that the record of title is a true depiction of the ownership status, mutation is automated and automatic following registration and the reference to past records is not necessary.
  4. Title insurance, which guarantees the title for its correctness and indemnifies the title holder against loss arising on account of any defect therein.

About Manipur Land Record System 

Department of Revenue Govt. of Manipur has developed the Louchapathap Application portal https://louchapathap.nic.in in association with National Informatics Center (NIC), Manipur to digitize land records system in Manipur. One of the major objectives of this website is to provide Manipur Land Record (Jamabandi/ROR) details online to the citizen. 

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Department of Revenue,
 Government of Manipur
Old Secretariat Imphal

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Email: rajensingh[at]yahoo[dot]com

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